澳洲 perth 換駕照詳盡指南

  • 换发西澳驾照首先需要滿足下面兩個條件:
    • 申请资格:
      1. 25岁(含)以上在台湾持有驾照的国人 (若未满25岁需加考笔试&路考), 只认可小车,如果驾驶其它车辆还需要考试。
        If your driver licence is issued by an experienced driver recognised country and you are 25 years of age or older, WA will recognise your overseas driving experience This only applies to vehicle classes C and R (if held). You must pass a theory test and Practical Driving Assessment for any other class of vehicle you wish to drive.
      2. 如果驾照过期不超过12个月,可以申请汽车和机车驾照。也只能申请这两种驾照。
        Upon application for the grant of a WA driver’s licence you will be exempt from the theory and practical assessments (car and motorcycle only), provided your overseas driver licence has not expired by more than 12 months.

o        換發條件:

  1. 親自提交DLA1表格, 支付申請費
  2. 攜帶駕照原件+NAATI譯本
  3. 提交身份證明文件-我們下面有詳細的列表供您參考
  4. 视力測試
  5. 當場拍照,和簽名



  1. 移民局頒發的簽證,包括電子簽
  2. 護照 (需要在有效期內)
  3. 澳洲銀行卡 (需要在有效期內)
  4. 澳洲水電煤氣單子 (最近6個月)或者澳洲銀行賬單 (最近6個月)。可以去銀行請他們幫忙更新一下你在西澳的住址,當場讓他們打印出來蓋章,銀行會收取少許費用。


  • Albany
  • Broome
  • Bunbury
  • Carnarvon
  • Exmouth
  • Geraldton
  • Kalgoorlie
  • Karratha
  • Kununurra
  • Pinjarra


電話: 0424 927 923


Email: 249705919@qq.com (不方便微信的客戶,請直接email我們您的駕照和護照照片來申請駕照翻譯)
